Year Two of the ACA Coverage Expansions: On-the-Ground Experiences from Five States | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

25 Jun

This brief provides an on-the-ground view of ACA implementation after completion of the second open enrollment period. It is based on 40 in-person interviews conducted in five states that have made different implementation choices, including three states (Colorado, Kentucky, and Washington) that have developed a State-based Marketplace and adopted the Medicaid expansion and two states (Utah and Virginia) that rely on the Federally-facilitated Marketplace (FFM) for enrollment of individuals into qualified health plans (QHPs) and that have not adopted the Medicaid expansion to date. The interviews were conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation’s Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured and Perry Undem Research/Communication with a range of stakeholders in each state, including Medicaid and Marketplace officials, consumer advocates, assisters, and hospital and community health center representatives, during April and May 2015. The report presents key findings related to enrollment systems; enrollment and renewal; outreach, marketing, and enrollment assistance; and access to and utilization of care. It concludes with key priorities identified by stakeholders looking ahead.

Source: Year Two of the ACA Coverage Expansions: On-the-Ground Experiences from Five States | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation